'The most significant cyber threat facing the UK': the School of Law’s Professor Wall is tackling ransomware through his research

Professor David Wall’s research has been cited in a Parliament report on ransomware.
Professor Wall’s article in The Conversation was cited in the Joint Committee on the National Security Strategy ransomware report: 'A hostage to fortune: ransomware and UK national security'. The inquiry sought to explore the threat of ransomware – a form of cyber extortion. They rely on Professor Wall’s explainer of the stages of a ransomware attack (p. 6), as well as his example of a typical ransom demand (p. 7).
The 2021 National Cyber Strategy describes ransomware as ‘the most significant cyber threat facing the UK’, so Professor Wall’s research into this threat is both vital and timely.
The government has now responded to this inquiry, outlining their steps towards strengthening the country’s cyber resilience.
Professor Wall will be releasing an updated second edition of his book Cybercrime: The Transformation of Crime in the Information Age with Polity on 26 April 2024, to address the development of cybercrime with artificial intelligence.
He writes:
Cybercrime has become industrialized on a scale not previously anticipated and will continue to do so with the increased use of artificial intelligence in the organisation of cybercrime. Society’s responses will have to develop accordingly and fast because ‘we can’t switch it off!’
Parliament’s use of Professor Wall’s research into cybercrime is indicative of the impact that School of Law research has on policy in this country.
Professor Wall is a member of the Centre for Criminal Justice Studies.