Tackling institutional racism within the higher education sector: Dr Nick Cartwright contributes vital resource towards decolonising the curriculum

Associate Professor Dr Nick Cartwright has developed a resource for Sage Publishing as part of their new Research Methods collection.
Sage Research Methods: Diversifying and Decolonizing Research is a collection committed to enabling its users, whether students or researchers, to undertake critical and inclusive research. Its aim is to push research beyond traditional, Western methodologies. Designed to give users a ‘hands-on experience with identifying bias and analysing data using Indigenous methodologies’, the content includes datasets, case studies, and a library of videos which showcase Indigenous and underrepresented researchers, methods, and themes.
Dr Cartwright has written a case study for this collection: Funding, Political and Methodological Challenges in Researching the Experiences of Black Students.
The case study was concerned with the absence of the Black student voice in research around student provision, and noted especially that no previous study had been done on the experiences of Black students in UK student accommodation.
To remedy this, Dr Cartwright served as external reviewer to a Black-led research team established by the Halpin Partnership, and together they developed a mixed-methods approach. They succeeded in publishing a report which captured Black stories, but they encountered various challenges throughout the study, especially in the recruitment and analysis stages.
The research guide considers the complexities of researching the Black student voice and offers practical suggestions on how to respect and amplify Black voices.
Dr Cartwright says:
Researching the student voice in an ethical way is complex, where these students encounter discrimination as part of their educational journey this becomes more complex. Yet, we need to listen to the experiences of students from non-traditional and minoritized backgrounds. I am grateful to the many students who have shared their experiences with me as part of my research, and I hope that this research guide honours their experiences and benefits them and their communities.
The inclusion of this case study in Sage’s new collection is a testament to Dr Cartwright’s commitment to impactful research.
Dr Cartwright is a member of Centre for Innovation and Research in Legal Education and Centre for Law and Social Justice, and can be found on Twitter/X: @NickCartw
On Thursday 23 April, Dr Cartwright will be in conversation with Dwayne Hutchinson, a Community Development Specialist, at a Stephen Lawrence Memorial Event: The School of Law & the Black Community. Sign up here.