Zubayr Karolia
- Course: BA (Hons) English, Language and Education
Please tell us a bit about yourself.
I am 21 years old, currently in my second year of study at the University of Leeds, studying BA English, Language and Education. I live at home and commute to university because it is not too far away, and I also work evenings five days a week. I am bilingual in Gujarati and English and wish to learn Arabic as well.
What motivated you to apply to study your chosen course and why did you chose Leeds?
The course combines three different areas that are all of great interest to me. When I saw the course and what it entailed, I knew I would be interested in English and how it is taught. Moreover, the opportunity to learn another language also seemed very appealing along with education as a whole and how people learn. The prospect of studying these aspects on this course at a Russell Group university where there is constantly new research seemed even more appealing.
I visited the university and felt a really good vibe on campus that made me want to study there. I also saw various opportunities and facilities that would be of use to me. Finally, Leeds as a city is also exciting where there are many things to do so I thought the course content, the university and the location were all ideal for me.
What do you think of your course?
The course has been enjoyable and interesting so far where I have learnt many new things. Certain questions that I always thought of in terms of learning language have been answered and that has been a highlight for me. Another massive highlight is that I have been able to learn a language that I always wanted to learn. I will be able to learn this language for the three years on my course and I can also find a placement abroad in a country where this language is spoken. I believe this is a huge opportunity for anyone wishing to learn a language as well as learn how English is taught. Other topics such as character education or the death of childhood have also been particularly interesting and provided me with food for thought.
How would you describe the help and guidance provided by the staff within the School?
The staff in the School of Education are very helpful and provide plenty of advice, information and guidance for students when needed. The various individuals are sign-posted relatively clearly so students know who they can reach out to. Personally, I have a very good personal tutor that I meet with to make sure everything is okay and for support. Also lecturers at the school take time to speak to students if they are worried about an assignment or a particular matter and respond to emails in good time. So far I have had no issues with any kind of support at university whether it be academic or not.
How would you describe the facilities at the University?
The facilities are exemplary at the university as there is constant investment of large amounts of money at the university. Recently, the Laidlaw library has opened and it is the best library I have visited compared to any other university. There are also many other places to study and three other libraries with vast amount of books. The gym is one of the best UK university gyms and generally the campus has everything.
Have you had the opportunity to study abroad, or complete a year in industry?
We have the opportunity to study abroad or work abroad in the third year and I have applied to teach abroad and I am waiting to hear back from employers. There are also many, many summer school opportunities or summer internship opportunities available. I have applied to go to Thailand for two months in the summer and waiting to hear back from the employer. It would be an amazing opportunity and I hope I get it.
Have you been involved in extra-curricular activities?
I am the course representative for my course and I am also a student ambassador for the school of education so I help out on any open days or induction days. Again, if things go according to plan, I will be going to Thailand over the summer to help teach English at a school. I also get involved in a couple of societies where I attend any events or things they organise.