Kelly Faherty
- Course: BA (Hons) Childhood Studies
Please tell us a bit about yourself and your background.
I grew up in a small town in Staffordshire. I’ve always had a passion for working with children which is why I left school at 16 and went to college to complete a CACHE Level 3 diploma in Childcare and Education.
What motivated you to apply to study your chosen course and why did you chose Leeds?
I had to complete placements on my college course and had a placement in a school setting. I realised that I wanted to further my education so I could go on to teach. I chose Leeds because I enjoyed the sound of the course, I wanted to live in a city and the student union looked fantastic.
What do you think of your course?
I have enjoyed my course a lot. It is very broad which gives an opportunity to learn about lots of different area topics within Education, Psychology, Sociology and Child Welfare.
How would you describe the help and guidance provided by the staff within the School?
Fabulous. Staff within the School of Education are always there when you need them. It is very clear that all lecturers have a major passion for their chosen area of study, which reflects within the teaching standards.
How would you describe the facilities at the University?
By having four libraries as well as many clusters on campus makes working very accessible. When you have lots of deadlines, the last thing you want is to worry about not getting a seat in a library!
Since starting at the university have you been granted any scholarships, or won any awards?
I won a Leeds for Life grant of £400 in my first year to fly to Honduras, Central America, to be involved with a project working with street children to encourage them back into education through the power of sport.
Have you had the opportunity to study abroad, or complete a year in industry?
Yes. I studied abroad in my third year in Hong Kong. It was the most incredible year of my life. I am so grateful for such an opportunity of studying abroad that I could only do whilst at University. I met friends for life from all over the world, traveled to many other countries in Asia and was able to emerge in a very different culture to the one I was brought up in. The memories will stay with me forever.
Have you been involved in extra-curricular activities, such as societies, summer placements etc?
The student union is amazing full of lots of societies to be involved with. I have always been involved with a few societies throughout my time at Leeds, ending with being on the RAG committee in my final year. Joining societies is a great way to learn new skills, meet new people and get the best out of University life.