Publication of Issue Two of the Leeds Student Law and Criminal Justice Review

The LSLCJR is a student-led academic journal that was developed to showcase the outstanding quality of research produced by students in the School of Law at the University of Leeds.
The School of Law is delighted to announce the publication of Issue Two of the Leeds Student Law and Criminal Justice Review (LSLCJR). A fundamentally collaborative project, the editorial board of Postgraduate Research (PGR) students work closely with the authors of the top dissertations in each academic year to prepare their work for publication via HeinOnline, hard-copy and the School’s website. This year, for the first time, the review also included a dissertation from a taught postgraduate student.
Issue Two of the LSLCJR demonstrates the wide range of topics that students in the School of Law research for the culmination of their studies, the dissertation. It comprises two particularly timely dissertations considering the impact of Covid-19 on mental health and the need for greenspace, and also the impact of Covid-19 on the supply and demand of illegal drugs. Readers will also find articles on parent company liability, knife crime and sentencing of tax and benefit fraud.
The Managing Editor of Issue Two, Clare James, told us, "This is the second year I have been involved in The Leeds Student Law and Criminal Justice Review. This is an exciting project to be involved in. It provides an opportunity for both undergraduate and taught postgraduate students to have their work published. Through HeinOnline, their work can be read globally. For the PGR editors, it offers an opportunity to work as editors, which I have found has improved my own writing. It is also incredibly rewarding to work with students in the School of Law who are so passionate about their dissertation topics, and to see their excellent work published.'
Dr Colin Mackie, an academic in the School of Law that supports this project, said
"I am delighted to see Issue Two of the LSLCJR published. This student-run project is truly a team effort involving the authors of the top dissertations in their cohorts, the academic supervisors that supported the students and provided valuable feedback during the writing process, and the editorial board of PGRs that worked with the authors to polish the work ready for publication. The quality of the final manuscript is most impressive. The LSLCJR continues to go from strength to strength due to the efforts, energy and initiative of the editorial board, led admirably by Clare James. A genuinely inspiring effort by all involved.”
The editorial board:
Managing Editor: Clare James
Assistant Managing Editors: Ana Navarro Veiga & Nina Herzog
Editors: Saif Alkhamis, Damarie Kalonzo, Courtney Leader, Edmore Masendeke, Xingwei Li, Kevin Udungeri, Xinyu Xu
The Editorial Board wanted to thank Liam Kelly LLB, LLM, ACIArb (Barrister Deans Court Chambers, Leeds Alumnus) for providing sponsorship to allow a limited number of hard copies to be printed.
Read the second edition of the Student Law and Criminal Justice Review.