
Results 126 to 130 of 166 in Centre for Law and Social Justice

Liberty Building, home to the School of Law

The Secretary of State for Education has announced plans to review school transport statutory guidance, ensuring local authorities provide school transport for children with special educational needs.

Michael Thomson

On 22 June 2017, the Nuffield Council on Bioethics published a new report entitled ‘Cosmetic procedures: ethical issues’.

Pro bono students major research report concerning councils’ free ‘Home to School Transport’ Policies.

A study by students at the School of Law, led by Sorcha McCormack and Professor Luke Clements, has found very serious failings in the information provided by English councils’ websites.

Liberty Building, home to the School of Law

In an article published by The Independent this week, Professor Anna Lawson discusses the pressing concerns relating to social care provisions brought about by Britain’s exit from the EU.

Students and staff within the Cerebra pro bono research programme.

Research concerning the cost benefits of home adaptations for families with disabled young people has been published by the Cerebra pro bono research programme.