
Results 126 to 130 of 300 in Centre for Business Law and Practice

Dr basu conference image

Dr Basu attended the international virtual conference 'Challenges to Law and Technology in the 21st Century' which was organised by Damodaram Sanjivayya from the National Law University, India.

Dr Konstantinos Stylianou

Dr Stylianou was asked by Forbes to answer questions on milestone antitrust cases brought by the US government against Google and Facebook.

Leopoldo parada resized

Dr Parada received the award for his doctoral thesis defended in 2017. 

Liberty Building, home to the School of Law

Dr Subhajit Basu gave a Keynote Lecture on "Regulation and enforcement in data protection - strategic aims and priorities going forward." 

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A recent article published in "Humanities and Social Sciences Communications", one of "Nature’s" prestigious publications, explores the legal issues surrounding automated vehicles.