Australia's Energy Security Conundrum within the Asia/Pacific Region: Security of Supply or Security of Demand?

This seminar will provide an overview of the energy resources of Australia, as well as an analysis of the energy security issues that Australia faces in 2014 and beyond.

Guest Lecture by Dr Tina Hunter, University of Queensland

Australia is a country with an abundance of energy resources, including oil, gas and coal, yet it still faces energy security concerns, relating both to security of supply and security of demand, particularly within the Asia/Pacific Region. This seminar will provide an overview of the energy resources of Australia, as well as an analysis of the energy security issues that Australia faces in 2014 and beyond.

About the presenter

Dr Tina Hunter is the inaugural Director of the Centre for International Minerals and Energy Law at the University of Queensland. Dr Hunter has academic qualifications in geology, political science, information science and law. She undertook her PhD at the University of Bergen in Norway, focussing on regulatory frameworks for the socio-economic sustainable extraction of petroleum resources. She is currently a Visiting Scholar at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland.

Flyer for event

To book a place

To RSVP, email quoting ‘Australia’ in the email subject to guarantee your seat. The talk will be followed by Q&A.