Developmentalism in Rwanda

From a Marxist political economy perspective, Rwanda's controversies and divergences are precisely what defines the nature of capitalist development.


Rwanda's political economy is currently defined in divergent and politically controversial ways. By and large the divergence runs along the lines of a more positive image of economic growth and a more negative image of rights. This has generated a series of debates about Rwanda's governance which rely on the defining apart of some aspects of Rwanda's development from others. This paper argues that Rwanda's development needs to be seen in a more holistic and integrated fashion. From a Marxist political economy perspective, Rwanda's controversies and divergences are precisely what defines the nature of capitalist development.


Professor Graham Harrison (Department of Politics, Sheffield)

This seminar forms part of the fortnightly seminar series run by the Centre for Global Development and Justice.


The Social Sciences Building is number 82 on the campus map.