"Brexit”: The Consequences of Britain staying in or leaving the EU- a debate"

Talks about the future vote on the UK's EU membership

SORRY! Due to high demand this event is now full. You can still register to join the waiting list in case someone cancels but unfortunately there is no guarantee of a place at this stage.

On June 23rd the UK will vote on the following question: “Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?". The decision has potentially profound political and economic consequences for both the UK and EU. Yet it is not the first time the UK has voted on EU membership, having held a ballot on the issue more than 40 years ago, in 1975. 

The University of Leeds has organised a public evening of discussion, questions and answers. Dr Tim Oliver, Ralf Dahrendorf Fellow at the London School of Economics, who researches the consequences of “Brexit” for Britain and the EU, will speak about “Britain outside Europe? Views from inside and abroad”. 

After his 20-minute presentation, Professor Jeremy Clegg from Leeds University Business School – a specialist on market integration, foreign investments and EU trade relations with the wider world including China – will discuss the topic with Dr Oliver and Dr David Seawright, from the School of Politics and International Studies. Dr Seawright is an expert on British Conservatism and how the issue of European integration impacts on British political parties and public opinion.

The evening will be is moderated by Professor Holger Afflerbach from the School of History, who will bring a historical perspective to proceedings,  and Dr Simon Lightfoot, from the School of Politics and International Studies, who is an EU expert.

Audience members will have the chance to participate in this interactive event, casting their ‘vote’ electronically from their seats – at the start of the event, and again at the end, once they have heard the arguments.

This event is co-organized by the Schools of History and of Politics and International Studies, University of Leeds.

* This event does not publicly support or criticise political parties or candidates and speakers comment in a personal capacity and are not speaking or acting on behalf of the University.

Location Details

Rupert Beckett Theatre - Michael Sadler Building