
Results 466 to 470 of 1968 in all schools

Equal Opportunities Possible in Our Ableist World

A new podcast created by the University of Chicago podcast network, features Stephen Hallett, Visiting Professor at the School of Law at the University of Leeds.

A lecturer standing behind a desk at the front of a large classroom facing 11 students sitting in small clusters.

From April - June 2022, Dr Harry Kuchah visited South Africa and Uganda to run networking activities and researching scoping meetings with basic education stakeholders.

Lecturer in Politics and Media

New research on the reliability – and credibility – of scientific research has been published by Dr Eike Mark Rinke, Lecturer in Politics and Media.

A man checking bags in a food bank. 
Via Unsplash/Aaron Doucett

Raising benefits in line with earnings – not inflation – will make things worse for low-income households in the coming years.  

Zoe Billingham delivers the 2022 Frank Dawtry Memorial Lecture.
Zoe stood in front of a projector screen.

Researcher Rebecca Fox reports on the annual lecture held by the School of Law's Centre for Criminal Justice Studies.