‘Relationship between policing and vulnerability needs to be reset’ Centre Directors argue
The Vulnerability & Policing Futures Research Centre Co-Directors have set out the need to change how services respond to vulnerability at the Centre’s national launch event in London.
Documenting migrant carers’ experiences of registration and fitness to practise
Professor Marie-Andrée Jacob and Dr Priyasha Saksena to undertake a new research project funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council
WHOCOUNTS project wins €1.5m ERC grant
The project will address noncoverage error to improve our conceptual, methodological and substantive understanding of poverty across Europe.
Benefit deductions are deepening poverty in Leeds
Leeds residents are increasingly having to borrow from loan sharks and high-interest lenders to meet their basic needs because of issues with their benefits, according to new research.
Cristina G. Stefan cited in Protection Approaches call for Intersectional Atrocity Prevention ahead of Autumn Statement
Protection Approaches is a UK based charity working to tackle all forms of identity-based violence and mass atrocity.