
Results 1456 to 1460 of 1981 in all schools

Liberty Building, home to the School of Law

Over the past month Professor Graham Dutfield has travelled across Europe and the US delivering public lectures and presentations around one of his main research interests; intellectual property.

Over the past month Professor Graham Dutfield has travelled across Europe and the US delivering public lectures and presentations around one of his main research interests; intellectual property.

School of Education, Hillary Place

Two films from James Simpson and Jessica Bradley will be screened as part of Refugee Week at West Yorkshire Playhouse on Monday 19 June 2017.

Winners of the Addleshaw Goddard BPP Business Innovation Competition.

On 23 March, six students (in three teams) from the School of Law competed in the final of the Addleshaw Goddard BPP Business Innovation Competition 2017.

The Houses of Parliament in Westminster.

Supervised by Professor Cristina Leston Bandeira and Dr Viktoria Spaiser, the project asks one main research question: What makes for effective and meaningful parliamentary online public engagement?