
Results 1446 to 1450 of 1981 in all schools

The Undergraduate Awards is the world’s largest international academic awards programme that acknowledges the brightest and most innovative undergraduate students.

English, Language and Education students working in Poltava, eastern Ukraine

Three second year BA English, Language and Education students, Anna Ferrari, Maria Sahiby and Laura Stephenson, have undertaken a two-week teaching placement in Poltava, eastern Ukraine.

The Houses of Parliament in Westminster.

On Tuesday 25 April, seven students from POLIS were invited by Lord Boswell to present their research to 17 Lords in the House of Lords EU Select Committee.

Dr Eglantine Staunton has participated in a Q&A for The Conversation commenting on the impact terrorism has had on the French election.

Exterior of the Liberty Building at the University of Leeds.

The School of Law’s Welfare Rights Project – through which student volunteers assist people applying for a type of welfare support - has been shortlisted for two prestigious awards.