
Results 1326 to 1330 of 1981 in all schools

Dr Greg Hollin and colleagues have written about the relationship between sport, society, and oppression on Thanksgiving.

Professor Adam Crawford delivers opening plenary at international conference on ‘Security, Democracy & Cities: Coproducing Urban Security Policies’

Professor Adam Crawford was invited to give the opening plenary address at the recent international conference on ‘Security, Democracy & Cities: Coproducing Urban Security Policies’ in Barcelona.

First 'Islamophobia 2017: Looking Back, Looking Ahead' lecture was held.

On 9 November 2017, the Centre for Ethnicity and Racism Studies (CERS), along with the Counter-Islamophobia Kit, hosted the first ‘Islamophobia 2017: Looking Back, Looking Ahead’ lecture.

Liberty Building, home to the School of Law

Earlier this year Lord Colin Low of Dalston was awarded the degree of Doctors of Laws, honoris causa, on behalf of the University of Leeds.

Professor and Barrister Surya P Subedi OBE, QC, has been invited to launch a new Netherlands Network for Human Rights Research at the Asser Institute in The Hague, by eight leading Dutch universities.