MP Harriet Harman: From Pioneers to Parity? 100 years of Female Suffrage
Senior MP Harriet Harman was on campus last Thursday evening to commemorate the achievements of pioneering Yorkshire MP Alice Bacon who in 1945 became Yorkshire’s first female MP.
Professor Pinar Akman in live Intelligence Squared/BBC World debate: “Break up the Tech Giants”
Professor Pinar Akman, Director of the Centre for Business Law and Practice, spoke at a live debate organised by Intelligence Squared in London on 17 January 2018.
Professor Pinar Akman in live debate 'Break up the Tech Giants'
Professor Pinar Akman, Director of the Centre for Business Law and Practice, spoke at a live debate organised by Intelligence Squared in London on 17 January 2018.
Dr Narayanaswamy and Dr Mdee awarded by the ESRC for a fully-funded PhD studentship
We are delighted to announce that Dr Lata Narayanaswamy and Dr Anna Mdee have received ESRC WRDTP Collaborative Studentship funding for their proposed PhD project.
Alumna becomes the first female Muslim Minister to speak from the House of Commons
Alumna and Conservative MP Nusrat Ghani this week became the first female Muslim Minister to speak from the House of Commons dispatch box.