
Results 1066 to 1070 of 1976 in all schools

EU flag

PhD candidate Chantal Sullivan-Thomsett has written an article for The Conversation about the success of the Green Party in Germany, at the recent European elections.

Decorative image: northern cityscape from above, with "Northern Notes" written in red across a grey sky.

We are delighted to announce the launch of our new blog, Northern Notes.

pile of books

Dr Jill Liddington’s book Female Fortune has inspired the creation of BBC One series Gentleman Jack.

Professor Pinar Akman

Professor Pinar Akman was an invited speaker at the Slovak Competition Authority’s International Conference on Current Trends in Slovak and European Competition Law which was held in Bratislava.


In collaboration with Leeds Poverty Truth, members of the School of Sociology and Social Policy publish new research findings.