
Results 771 to 775 of 1973 in all schools

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Take a look at the recent Northern Notes articles from this month.

An article by Dr Victoria Honeyman, on Britain's Overseas Development Aid Agenda, is part of a new publication by the Foreign Policy Centre. 

Dr basu conference image

Dr Basu attended the international virtual conference 'Challenges to Law and Technology in the 21st Century' which was organised by Damodaram Sanjivayya from the National Law University, India.

Screenshot of online meeting with 8 students, Professor Cristina Leston-Bandeira and Leader of the UK House of Commons Jacob Rees-Mogg MP.

As part of their module on the UK Parliament, POLIS students took part in a virtual visit to the UK Parliament, which included talks with a number of prestigious guests.

Dr Konstantinos Stylianou

Dr Stylianou was asked by Forbes to answer questions on milestone antitrust cases brought by the US government against Google and Facebook.