
Results 751 to 755 of 1973 in all schools

Dr Gallagher, Associate Professor in International Relations, is one of 18 academics to secure the funding from the Leverhulme Trust which will support 19 PhDs on "Extinction Studies".

Prof Solanke

The funding has been granted by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) via the Economic and Social Research Council.

The ESCR funded project launched in January 2021 and is led by Dr Gallagher, Associate Professor in International Relations, and Dr Kaisa Hinkkainen, Lecturer at the University of York.

peter whelan

Professor Peter Whelan, Professor of Law, was interviewed about antitrust and big tech for the legal publication Revista Industria Legal.

Dr Subhajit Basu smiling

On 30 January, Dr Basu delivered a Keynote Lecture on "The rise of Cybercrime during a Pandemic: Who can we ‘Trust’?" as part of the international e-seminar on "Globalising World and Cybercrime".