Professor Fiona Smith co-authors Policy Brief on UK-Australia trade deal
The Policy Brief entitled “An Australian deal: assessing the implications for UK food standards” is co-authored by Professor Tony Heron, University of York.
Professor Rita de la Feria featured in Financial Times story on G7 tax deal
Professor de la Feria was commenting on the high-profile tax deal agreed by the G7 group at the summit in Cornwall this week.
Sociology and Social Policy jump to top 10 in the UK
The Complete University Guide has placed Leeds at number six for Social Policy, and number nine for Sociology, in the 2022 rankings.
Education at Leeds in top 20 in the UK
Education at the University of Leeds has jumped to the top 20 in the Complete University Guide 2022 rankings.
Dr Lata Narayanaswamy invited to give evidence to a Parliamentary Select Committee Inquiry
The Parliamentary Select Committee Inquiry took place during the afternoon on 25 May 2021.