Baroness Doreen Lawrence delivers inspirational 2021 Alice Bacon Lecture
Anti-racism campaigner Baroness Doreen Lawrence OBE was this year’s Alice Bacon Lecture guest speaker.
Dr Eike Rinke co-authors paper on 'Expert-Informed Topic Models for Document Set Discovery'
The paper, co-authored by Dr Eike Rinke, has been published in the Journal of Communication Methods and Measures.
Dr Dannreuther and Dr Wiegratz selected to be 'Writing and Researching the Political Economy of Inequality in Africa' mentors
The inaugural British Academy-funded programme is aimed at postgraduate and early career researchers in any Development Assistance Committee country in Africa.
ICKLE project publishes interim reports
The ICKLE project tracks the impact of the disruption to schooling during the Covid-19 lockdown.
Dr Lata Narayanaswamy authors briefing entitled 'Decolonising Aid'
The briefing was commissioned by the Gender and Development Network.