
Results 1 to 5 of 13 in School of Law for farrell

A graph showing a significant downward trend in crime.

Dr Toby Davies and Professor Graham Farrell investigate the gulf between crime statistics and public perception of crime.

Portrait of Professor Graham Farrell

Leeds School of Law Professor Graham Farrell co-authors a piece for The Conversation on the UK’s ‘shoplifting epidemic’.

Man holds award up in front of audience

The Ronald V. Clarke Award is the most prestigious award in crime science and environmental criminology, with awardees identified through voting by senior scholars in the field.

Liberty Building at University of Leeds

Founded in 2000, the European Society of Criminology aims to bring together in Europe persons actively engaged in research, teaching and/or practice in the field of Criminology.


The research was funded by the Economic and Social Research Council and part of a project examining the crime harms of the pandemic led by Professor Graham Farrell.