
Results 61 to 65 of 119 in Research degrees

Cristina Leston-Bandeira at her stall on Petitions at the British Academy Summer Showcase

Professor Cristina Leston-Bandeira’s research on public engagement with parliament was selected to be part of 15 exhibits within the 2019 British Academy summer showcase.

PhD candidate in the School of Politics and International Studies Alesia Ofori Dedaa has had her thought-provoking article on village politics and developmental disorientation published.

Man working at coffee plantation sorting coffee beans

Global Development student Angus Elsby has written for the blog Review of African Political Economy (ROAPE).

Houses of Parliament buildings, London

Boris Johnson has begun his premiership as leader of the United Kingdom. Professor Kevin Theakston shares his thoughts with HuffPost on what makes an effective prime minister.

Brotherton library electrolier at the University of Leeds.

Dr Lata Narayanaswamy has written a blog for Convivial Thinking about decolonising higher education (HE).