
Results 21 to 25 of 594 in Research and expertise

Headshot of Julian Webb

Participants engaged in a lively exchange on the challenges of teaching legal ethics and the responsibility of legal educators to foster critical thinking and ethical awareness among future lawyers.

A portrait of Dr Churchill and Professor Yeomans, next to an image of their book.

Dr David Churchill and Professor Henry Yeomans  have been awarded the inaugural annual book award by the American Society of Criminology’s (ASC) Division of Historical Criminology

Man stands at a podium lecturing

On Thursday 7 March, the Centre for Criminal Justice Studies and the ESCR Vulnerability & Policing Futures Research Centre hosted a lecture on policing and climate change.

Portrait of Anna smiling and standing in a park.  Daylight and bright sunshine.

Parks staff and volunteers in West Yorkshire are being trained to intervene when they spot cases of discrimination, harassment or bullying in public spaces

An aerial shot of a shipping dock

Professor Fiona Smith gave oral evidence to the House of Commons Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee for the second session of their inquiry ‘UK trade policy: food and agriculture’.