Dr Konstantinos Stylianou quoted in Heise for his work presented at the 12th CPDP Conference

Dr Stylianou has been interviewed by one of the German speaking world’s most popular tech news newspaper, Heise Online.
Dr Konstantinos Stylianou presented his recent work on blockchain at the 12th CPDP conference in Brussels and has been interviewed by one of the German speaking world’s most popular tech news newspaper, Heise Online.
The Computer Privacy and Data Protection Conference is one of the largest and most diverse conferences on the topic attracting over 400 international speakers and over 1000 attendees.
Heise Online, which receives over 20 million unique views monthly, quoted Dr Stylianou saying that “Attempts to reflexively make blockchain GDPR-compliant may strip the new technology of its innovative power,” and that “there are examples such as copyright or contract law online, where routine violations of the law are tolerated.”