School of Law Professor to co-direct new research centre to explore how policing can better service the needs of vulnerable groups
The universities of York and Leeds are to jointly lead a £10m research centre dedicated to better understanding how the police and other services can prevent and reduce vulnerabilities.
Dr Subhajit Basu co-authors opinion piece on Nigeria's digital currency
Dr Subhajit Basu, Associate Professor in Information Technology Law, and Dr Adekemi Omotubora (University of Lagos) have written an opinion piece in The Register about Nigeria's digital currency.
Dr Stuart Wallace quoted in NBC News article on the European Convention on Human Rights to Military Operations
In an interview with Matthew Symington at NBC News, Dr Stuart Wallace discussed his research on the application of the European Convention on Human Rights to Military Operations.
Dr Leopoldo Parada's opinion on EU digital levy plans featured in Law360
Dr Leopoldo Parada's opinion was extensively featured on the US specialised media outlet Law360/Lexis Nexis in regards to the plan of the European Union to impose a digital levy.
Dr Priyasha Saksena awarded the Sutherland Prize by the American Society for Legal History
The Sutherland Prize, awarded by the American Society for Legal History, is named after Donald W. Sutherland, who was “a distinguished historian of the law of medieval England".