
Results 316 to 320 of 1086 in School of Law

School of Law alumna and Teaching Assistant Elizabeth Bourgeois

The White Rose Doctoral Training Partnership is a collaboration across the social sciences at the Universities of Leeds, Sheffield, York, Bradford, Sheffield Hallam, Hull, and Manchester Metropolitan.

Konstantinos Stylianou

“A recent survey by DebtHammer, which polled 1,500 investors across the US, found that 21 per cent of investors said they’ve used a loan to pay for their crypto investments.”

Trevor Clark

The article is titled “Barristers’ strike could see criminals released early to avoid prison overcrowding, legal expert says”.

Dr Leopoldo Parada in Indonesia with tax officials

The project is part of the Indonesian project called ‘Domestic Resource Mobilization for Sustainable Development'.

Henry Yeomans

The research paper titled ‘‘More options…less time’ in the ‘hustle culture’ of ‘generation sensible’: Individualisation and drinking decline among twenty-first century young adults’.