Training at Thailand’s National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission

Dr. Konstantinos Stylianou recently provided teaching for the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) in Bangkok, Thailand.
Dr. Stylianou co-taught on a training programme entitled Communications and the Digital Economy: Promoting Digital Markets, organised in cooperation with Thammasat University, Thailand, and the University of Pennsylvania, US.
Thailand is in the process of updating its competition and electronic communications laws, and is looking into the practices and experience of more mature markets, including the EU and US. Moreover, the Thai competition authority has been idle for a few years now and the government is trying to reactivate it, which creates the need for staff training.
The course took place from 4-15 July 2016, and was aimed at ministry officials, regulatory authority representatives and business executives. It covered a wide array of topics of international interest, including the regulation of communications networks, cloud computing, 5G, the Internet of Things, online privacy and competition policy, among others.
The School of Law already has a Memorandum of Understanding in place with Thammasat University, and this course was a great opportunity for the two institutions to work more closely together. Konstantinos is a Lecturer in Competition Law and Regulation with an extensive background in electronic communications law and policy in the EU and US. Cooperation between the School of Law and institutions and scholars in Thailand is expected to continue.