Why Leeds? An exchange student's perspective on studying law abroad

Carlo Teodorowych, an Australian exchange student at the School of Law, shares his enriching academic and cultural experiences, highlighting the benefits and challenges of studying abroad.

Carlo Teodorowych, an Australian exchange student from the University of Wollongong who was at the School of Law, chose Leeds for its academic reputation and personal connections. Having previously lived in Leeds in 2022 playing cricket, Carlo immediately rekindled his connection with the city and its community, ultimately making his decision to return an easy one.

"The University of Leeds was a natural choice," Carlo explains. "The School of Law is highly regarded, and I had already experienced the city’s vibrant atmosphere. Returning felt like coming back home."

For law students, Leeds offers a unique blend of rigorous academics and real-world applications. Carlo’s favourite course, Disability Law, taught by Dr Amanda Keeling, stood out for its practical and conceptual approach. “It encouraged us to think beyond traditional structures and consider real-life impacts and emotions in legislation,” he says. The course’s inclusion of guest speakers from the industry and reflective journals added depth to the learning experience.

Beyond academics

Carlo’s life in Leeds was not just about studying. A passionate cricketer, he played for a local club, Scarcroft CC, and coached juniors, balancing his academic pursuits with his love for the sport. His busy schedule included playing multiple games a week and coaching, whilst also interning.

Additionally, Carlo travelled extensively within the UK, visiting many friends and experiencing various cities like London, Edinburgh, and Bristol. He experienced many events from music festivals to the Six Nations Rugby tournament which really allowed him to learn more about British culture and properly immerse himself in it.

"The UK and Australia share underlying cultural elements, but I think there are key differences," Carlo notes. "Leeds’ walkability was a pleasant surprise, contrasting sharply with Australia’s sprawling cities where driving is a necessity," he adds.

What is more, Carlo secured summer internship at Consilio LLC, a global leader in eDiscovery, document review, flexible legal talent, and legal advisory and transformation consulting services. In this six-week internship, Carlo has been part of their in-house legal team working both remotely and in their London offices. Before he returns to Australia, Carlo will take part in a short-term academic programme in Japan as part of a University of Wollongong study tour; adding one more destination to his study abroad journey this year which already includes the UK, India and Singapore. 

Carlo is standing in an office lobby with a bright smile. He is wearing a white dress shirt and grey pants, carrying a brown shoulder bag. Behind him is a colorful abstract painting and a sign on the wall that reads "Consilio."


Support and community at Leeds

The highlights of Carlo’s time in Leeds revolve around the connections he made. "Connecting and reconnecting with friends, both old and new, was by far the best part of this experience and something I will cherish for a long time," he recognises. Regular outings, like attending Leeds Rhinos rugby league games with a growing group of friends, created lasting memories and lifelong friendships.

Carlo also notes the easiness of meeting people and making friends at Leeds. To future exchange students he advises, “It’s simple, just say yes. Everything is always a learning opportunity, regardless of the situation, whether it’s just going to the pub or attending class, just say yes. You never know where you might end up nor who you might meet.”

For those considering studying abroad, Carlo’s experience at the University of Leeds underscores the importance of balancing academics with extracurricular passions and embracing the cultural differences that come with living in a new country. The support systems in place, coupled with the vibrant community and high academic standards, make Leeds a top choice for international students.

Leeds is such a fantastic city and has truly become a second home for me. The experiences and friendships I’ve built here are invaluable.

Carlo Teodorowych, exchange student at the School of Law

Interested in studying abroad at Leeds? Explore the opportunities offered by the University of Leeds and discover a world of opportunities waiting for you here.