Dr Leopoldo Parada speaks at American Bar Association Tax Section’s May Meeting

The American Bar Association has around 14,000 members dedicated to the practice of tax law in the United States.
The School of Law’s Dr Leopoldo Parada was invited to speak (in person) at the American Bar Association (ABA) Tax Section’s May Meeting, held from 12-14 May in Washington D.C.
Dr Parada presented in two different panels; in the first panel, on 13 May, Dr Parada presented “The legality of DSTs and the OECD Pillars under EU law” in a panel that focused on the constitutional issues of the Global Tax Deal led by the OECD, and which was moderated by Prof Young Ran (Christine) Kim (Cardozo School of Law).
In the second panel, on 14 May, Dr Parada presented “The implementation of the OECD Pillar 2 in the UK” in a panel that discusses the implementation challenges of the OECD Pillar 2 in different countries with a more practitioner-oriented view. For this purpose, Dr Parada shared with co-panelists from Canada, Mexico, the Netherlands, and Ireland.
Dr Parada told us “I am very honored to be invited to the ABA meeting this year, because everybody in law knows the importance of the ABA and the visibility that it offers. I also hope that this also creates more links between academia and practice in tax law”.