Environmental Considerations in Antitrust Analysis

Dr Cristina Volpin (OECD) - Environmental Considerations in Antitrust Analysis


Dr Cristina Volpin is a Competition Expert at the OECD, where she is responsible, together with the Head of the Division, for the organisation of OECD Competition Committee and liaising with the Chairman and the Bureau Members. She conducts research on various competition law and policy topics for the OECD Competition Committee and provides capacity-building to competition authorities and members of the judiciary. At the OECD, she authored publications on competition enforcement and policy in digital markets, sustainability, labour markets, and the relationship between competition and industrial policy. She is a qualified lawyer in Italy, where she worked in two top-tier Italian law firms (Gianni Origoni Grippo Cappelli & Partners, and Chiomenti). She obtained a Ph.D. in EU Competition Law from the University of Padua, where she also graduated in Law. Before joining the OECD, she was an associate lecturer in competition law at Queen Mary University of London. She is a Fellow at the Centre for Law, Economics and Society at University College London. She has published in the Common Market Law Review and other leading journals. Her book on the judicial assessment of evidence in EU competition law is forthcoming (Cambridge University Press).


In a context where public and private entities are called upon to align their conduct and strategies with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, a potential conflict between climate change goals and the protection of competition may arise. This presentation will address the interplay between environmental sustainability and competition, tackling the question whether environmental considerations may be taken into account by competition authorities and what ways exist to do so. The presentation will also address the potential risks and challenges arising for competition authorities in integrating environmental considerations in the antitrust analysis, including as regards market failures affecting demand and supply in specific markets; issues of quantification; and the problem of ‘out of market’ efficiencies.

Event details and joining information

The one-hour seminar will be moderated by Dr Or Brook, University of Leeds.

Please note – the event time is UK time.

The event will take place via Zoom and will be recorded. Registration for this event will be understood as indicating consent to the talk being recorded.

Joining instructions will be sent 24 hours before the event via email once you have registered.


All welcome. This is a free event, though registration is required via Eventbrite.