
Results 66 to 70 of 585 in Research and expertise

Law Review issue 2

The LSLCJR is a student-led academic journal that was developed to showcase the outstanding quality of research produced by students in the School of Law at the University of Leeds.

Associate Professor Rachael O'Connor

Associate Professor Rachael O’Connor discusses the importance of building micro-communities within larger institutions and explains her own approaches to doing so.

Women presenting to room

The conference was hosted by the Centre for Business Law and Practice (CBLP) and co-organised with the Singapore Management University's Centre for AI and Data Governance (CAIDG).

A greyscale photograph of two women walking in a park. We see them from behind.

Practical guidelines which will help to make parks and green spaces safer for women and girls across the UK are being launched at a conference organised by the University of Leeds.

Group of people in lecture theatre listening to woman at the front of the room talk

Cuckooing is a practice where people take over a person’s home and use the property to facilitate exploitation. It takes the name from cuckoos who take over the nests of other birds.