
Results 111 to 115 of 180 in Centre for Criminal Justice Studies

Professor Adam Crawford delivers opening plenary at international conference on ‘Security, Democracy & Cities: Coproducing Urban Security Policies’

Professor Adam Crawford was invited to give the opening plenary address at the recent international conference on ‘Security, Democracy & Cities: Coproducing Urban Security Policies’ in Barcelona.

Clive Walker, Professor Emeritus of Criminal Justice Studies has co-authored a report published by the Home Office.

Dr Henry Yeomans, Associate Professor in Criminology and Criminal Justice, was interviewed by Radio Aire on 20 July about proposals for the introduction of a minimum unit price for alcoholic drinks.

Graham Farrell, Professor of International and Comparative Criminology, received the Richard J. Terrill ‘Paper of the Year’ Award 2016, from the journal - International Criminal Justice Review.

Liberty Building, home to the School of Law

Dr Maria Grazia Porcedda, gave an invited presentation at the conference 'Brexit and Internal Security', which took place at Aston University (Birmingham) on 30 June, 2017.