
Results 19 to 24 of 52 in School of Law during 2017

Prof. Beverley Skeggs will be drawing on an ESRC research project entitled “A Sociology of Values and Value”, which uses software to 'track the trackers', and examine the value process that is created

This is part of a series of events to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the Abortion Act 1967.

With trade high up agendas, from Trump to Brexit, what does the future hold for ISDS, international arbitration and the resolution of cross-border investment disputes?

This public lecture is one of a series of exciting events organised to commemorate the Centre’s anniversary.

The purpose of the workshop is to provide a forum to stimulate a broad ranging discussion about issues around access to justice for civil law matters.

The Financial Law and Development Conference will run from 14:00-19:30 with speakers from the University of Leeds, Singapore Management University and Leiden University.

  • One day event
  • Reoccuring events