Tribalism and solidarity: are football and cosmopolitan ethics incompatible?
- Date: Wednesday 29 May 2019, 17:15 – 18:15
- Location: Social Sciences Building - Room 14.33
- Type: Seminars and lectures
- Cost: Free
Politics from the Pit presents the second event in this postgraduate-led seminar series.
Richard Illingworth (POLIS) will argue that football is only superficially cosmopolitan in its promotion of solidarity with others, and that underlying non-cosmopolitan sentiments remain a prominent aspect of modern football culture.
Declan Kenny (POLIS) will take a more optimistic stance, arguing that football has some unique features that are fertile for fostering cosmopolitan solidarities and sentimentalities that ought to be taken seriously.
Presentations will be followed by open discussion/questions from the audience – all welcome!
This is a free event open to all - no booking required. Contact organiser Declan Kenny with any enquiries.