ECR2P 2017 Annual Lecture: Dr Ivan Simonovic
- Date: Thursday 30 November 2017, 17:00 – 19:00
- Location: Conference Auditorium 2 (GM.01)
- Cost: Free
Dr Ivan Šimonović will deliver the second Annual Lecture of the Centre on 30 November, starting at 5pm in Conference Auditorium 2.
The European Centre for the Responsibility to Protect is dedicated to advancing the principle of the responsibility to protect populations from mass atrocities through research, education, and policy dialogue. At its core, ECR2P is based on a partnership between academics at The University of Leeds and researchers and activists at The Hague Institute for Global Justice and The Budapest Centre for Atrocity Prevention. It works closely with academic collaborators from across the continent and coordinates the European Network of R2P scholars. ECR2P has been influenced by, and continues to work with, the only other regionally-based Centre of its kind, the Asia-Pacific Centre for R2P at the University of Queensland. It also works closely with the Global Centre for R2P based in New York.
To find more about the Centre’s research and work, please visit the ECR2P website
Please note that recordings and photos will be taken at this public event.