School collaborates with international colleagues

The School is delighted to welcome two visiting academics from Finland and Sweden.
Professor Sari Pöyhönen has joined us from the University of Jyväskylä, Finland and will be with us for the next couple of months.
She is working primarily with Dr James Simpson on ideas around belonging and arts-based research and will deliver a research talk as part of her visit. Sari has led on a number of high profile funded projects in Finland in areas including language education policy, migration, identity and belonging.
Professor Alastair Henry from University West, Sweden will also visit the department between 6-11 May, hosted by the Centre for Language Education Research (CLER).
He will deliver a research talk on 7 May at 4.30pm on his large funded ethnographic project Motivational Language Teaching in Secondary Schools in Sweden. This will be open to all. Details will be advertised here shortly.