CLER Creative conversation series: Language Teaching Materials through the Critical Lens
- Date: Monday 10 February 2020, 14:00 – 16:00
- Location: Blenheim Terrace SR (G.11) House No. 11-14
- Cost: Free
In line with calls for an ethical vision for language education, this seminar aims to analyse and discuss English language teaching classroom materials from the perspective of critical pedagogy.
The ‘global coursebook’, along with other teaching resources produced for a global market, has arguably made the life of English language teachers easier by allowing professional-looking materials to be used across different contexts. Coursebooks provide syllabi and lesson materials, meaning the hard work organising and sequencing content has already been done and allowing even inexperienced or unqualified teachers to deliver lessons written by professionals.
However, the validity of ELT materials is questionable given the mismatch between their design and accepted principles of SLA, the lack of inclusion of topics encouraging learners to engage critically with injustice and inequality, the seemingly uncritical presentation of dominant global, neoliberal values (e.g. materialism), and the over-reliance on standardization as a means of quality assurance.
Steve Brown, Director of Studies of the English Language Unit at the University of the West of Scotland, will be the guest speaker. His presentation will explore the limitations of global materials when analysed critically. He will then invite the audience to imagine how the ELT profession might evolve in a world without these materials.
The event will feature a presentation as well as group discussions and practical activities.
Download the flyer for more information.
This seminar is open to everyone but registration is required via Eventbrite.