CSSME Seminar Series: An international study of mathematical self-efficacy, attainment and degree choice

This study reports on the results of cross-sectional questionnaire-based study of over 500 former International Baccalaureate students who had studied higher level pre-university mathematics.

Abstract: In many contexts, mathematical self-efficacy is known to be important, and distinct, predictor of mathematical attainment and the nature of further participation in the study of mathematics and mathematically-based disciplines. This study reports on the results of cross-sectional questionnaire-based study of over 500 former International Baccalaureate® students who had studied higher level pre-university mathematics. Two separate sub-scales were employed in the online questionnaire measuring (i) mathematical self-confidence on completion of the IB course (i.e retrospectively), and (ii) mathematical self-efficacy at the time of completion of the survey (i.e. mainly during degree study). These scales were found to be essentially uni-dimensional, and to measure distinct but related constructs. In terms of predicting type of degree participation, important differences in patterns of influence were found relating to mathematical self-confidence and attainment. Differences by gender and country are also reported, and the relationship between self-confidence and self-efficacy is explored. 

This event is open to all and free to attend. There is no need to register.

Please bring your lunch and join us at 12:30pm in the CSSME foyer before the seminar. Coffee and biscuits will be available afterwards.

Location Details

Room 10.81
E C Stoner Building
University of Leeds