Students give evidence to the House of Lords

On Tuesday 25 April, seven students from POLIS were invited by Lord Boswell to present their research to 17 Lords in the House of Lords EU Select Committee.
There was a vigorous 90 minute debate with the Lords on the topic of Parliamentary scrutiny of BREXIT negotiations covering issues as diverse as the changing constitutional relationships in Parliament, issues of demographic change and the democratic deficit and the mechanisms (such as Citizens Juries) for holding a potentially landslide Conservative Government to account.
The meeting was preceded by a visit to Parliament TV to view the production suites as they covered debates in the House of Lords and Commons and a tour of the Palace. This is the seventh year this has taken place with students from PIED3310 Britain and the EU module presenting their findings to elite decision makers. The module is run as a third year elective by Dr Charles Dannreuther and funded by a USEF award.
Students will now produce a written and video blog about the trip.