Leeds Law Professor’s contribution to the world’s political and business leaders’ summit in Davos

A report on global investment policy has been released to the world’s political and business leaders at a press conference at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos on 22 January.
The report was prepared by a Task Force consisting of world’s leading experts on international investment law and policy appointed by the World Economic Forum last year.
Professor Surya P. Subedi, O.B.E., Professor of International Law at the School of Law at Leeds was appointed a member of this Task Force in January last year. The members of the Task Force were drawn from academia, industry and diplomacy. The Task Force held a series of meeting in Switzerland throughout 2015 which was convened and chaired by Dr Karl P. Sauvant, Resident Senior Fellow at Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment of Columbia Law School and the Earth Institute, Columbia University, New York.
The report outlines a number of policy options for states to regulate foreign investment in a manner which meets the contemporary challenges of the world. Commenting on the release of the report, Professor Subedi said: “We will have to see what the take-up of States is going to be of the policy recommendations that we have made in our report.”
Professor Subedi is regarded as a world leader on international investment law and is the author of a major book in this area which now in its third edition. His book entitled ‘International Investment Law: Reconciling Policy and Principle’ published by Hart Publishing, Oxford, was translated into Chinese by Professor Zhan Lei and published in China in 2015 by the most prestigious publishing house for law in China.