The Big Leeds Conversation – Last chance to check and challenge our draft values

The University's draft values framework is ready for all staff, students and postgraduate researchers to review. Have your say before the survey closes on Friday 12 November.
Almost 54,000 contributions from The Big Leeds Conversation has helped to build our new draft values and behaviours framework. Now it’s time for our University community to check and challenge the results.
In this short video, Vice-Chancellor Professor Simone Buitendijk explains how all students, staff and postgraduate researchers can feed back what's strong, wrong, or missing from our draft values, in the final phase of The Big Leeds Conversation:
How to take part
Check your University email for your unique link to the draft values framework and online survey, which has been sent to you from our partners at
You’ll have the opportunity to check and challenge our five draft values and the 15 behaviours that underpin them. Any comments or feedback you provide will be anonymous.
The survey closes on Friday 12 November, and is the final opportunity for our University community to contribute to the values that will guide us through the next decade and beyond.
If you have any difficulties accessing the survey, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions or contact the Clever Together support team.
See also
Inside Track | Our new draft values are ready for you to review