50th Anniversary Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics

This year the meeting is at the University of Leeds from 31 August – 2 September 2017.
BAAL holds an annual meeting, bringing together established, early-career and beginner researchers and language professionals from across the field of Applied Linguistics.
BAAL provides a forum for applied linguistics, the academic field which connects knowledge about language to decision-making in the real world. 2017 is a special year for BAAL: it is the 50th anniversary of the first annual meeting, which took place in Reading in 1967.
The 2017 conference is hosted by the School of Education and the Centre for Language Education Research, University of Leeds. The theme of the conference – Diversity in Applied Linguistics – will enable us to engage with the notion of diversity within our field, in a world which itself is diversifying. What opportunities are enabled? What challenges are presented? What are the key questions for the field, as we take stock and look forward?