Dr Judith Hanks (SFHEA)
- Position: Associate Professor in Language Education
- Areas of expertise: Co-production, Exploratory Practice, Inclusive Practitioner Research in Applied Linguistics & Language Teacher Education; Intercultural Issues in EAP and TESOL; Integrating Research & Pedagogy.
- Email: J.I.Hanks@leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 343 0524
- Location: 1.25 Hillary Place
- Website: Fully Inclusive Practitioner Research | Researchgate | ORCID | White Rose
I am a leading authority on Exploratory Practice (EP), co-production, and inclusive Practitioner Research, with an international reputation bridging Applied Linguistics, English for Academic Purposes (EAP) and Language Education. Since my first book (Allwright & Hanks, 2009) which presented a framework of 7 principles for Practitioner Research, foregrounding students as ‘key developing practitioners’, I have established a sustained record of influential publications. My monograph (Hanks, 2017a) went deep into the fabric of Exploratory Practice, discussing definitions of research, building theory and drawing on empirical examples to propose innovative ways for teachers and learners to investigate their praxis. My state-of-the-art journal article (Hanks, 2019a) reconceptualised research for/by practitioners, proposing ‘exploratory practice-as-research’ as a new direction for the field. I have posited co-production and inclusivity, via EP (Hanks 2021) as a healthy way forward, providing multimodal analysis of teacher/learner experiences. A series of publications (Hanks, 2015a, 2015b, 2017b, 2022a, 2022b) critically analysed the intercultural complexities of learners and teachers activating agency as researchers and scholars puzzling about and investigating pedagogy in different contexts around the world. My co-edited Special Issue of the journal Language Teaching Research (due 2024) proposes alternative approaches to Practitioner Research in Applied Linguistics and Language Education, with my article (Hanks 2024a) critically analysing inclusivity in EAP and TESOL. I established curiosity and puzzlement, collaboration and co-production as foundations for pedagogic research. I focus on understanding the ethical dilemmas in this nexus of research, scholarship and pedagogy.
These rich areas are woven into my work as Chair of the cross-Faculty Research Ethics Committee (FREC) for Business, Environment, Social Sciences + Scholarship (BESS+). BESS+ FREC spans three Faculties and embraces Scholarship and (Pedagogic) Research, accepting applications for ethical review for projects, modules and doctoral studies. I lead the committee in carefully considering the ethics of planned projects, advising colleagues and educating staff and students on the importance of ethically sound research and scholarship.
Bio: I joined the University of Leeds in 1999, starting in the Language Centre teaching English for Academic Purposes, where I led in-sessional and pre-sessional programmes. I became a Senior Teaching Fellow in 2009, advised the University on English language entry requirements and served several years on the Senior Management Group until December 2012. In 2013, I earned my PhD and moved to the School of Education, where I have served as Academic Group Leader (Language Education), Head of Undergraduate Area, and Deputy Director of the Education, Childhood and Youth (ECY) Pathway of the White Rose Doctoral Training Programme (WRDTP). I am committed to supporting students and colleagues as I draw on my background in Continuing Professional Development (CPD), Mentoring, Teacher Training and Teacher Development.
Hanks, J. (2017). Exploratory Practice in Language Teaching: Puzzling about principles and practices. Palgrave Macmillan. https://www.palgrave.com/gb/book/9781137453433
Allwright, D. & Hanks, J. (2009). The Developing Language Learner: An introduction to Exploratory Practice. Palgrave Macmillan. https://www.palgrave.com/gb/book/9781403985316
Edited books:
Dikilitaş, K., & J. Hanks (Eds.). (2018). Developing Language Teachers with Exploratory Practice: Innovations and explorations in language education. Palgrave Macmillan.
Dikilitaş, K., Wyatt, M., Hanks, J., & Bullock, D. (Eds.). (2016) Teachers Engaging in Research. IATEFL.
Recent Articles
Hanks, J. (2024a) Shifting perceptions of inclusive practitioner research: Epistemological affordances of Exploratory Practice. Language Teaching Research. https://doi.org/10.1177/13621688241265432
Hanks, J. (2024b). The impact of practitioner research: What teachers and students gain from doing research. IN A. Burns & K. Dikilitaş (Eds.) Routledge Handbook of Language Teacher Action Research. Routledge.
Hanks, J. (2022a). De-mystifying the nimbus of research: re-igniting practitioners’ interest in exploring EAP. Journal of EAP, 60, 101176, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeap.2022.101176
Hanks, J. (2022b). Integrating research into language teaching and learning: Learners and teachers as co-researchers exploring praxis. Language Teaching 55(2), 217-232. https://doi.org/10.1017/S026144482100032X
Hanks, J. (2021) Co-production and multimodality: Learners as co-researchers exploring practice. Educational Action Research 29(3), 462-482 https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09650792.2020.1812417
Hanks, J. (2019a). From research-as-practice to exploratory practice-as-research in language teaching and beyond. State-of-the-art article. Language Teaching, 52(2), 143-187. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0261444819000016
Hanks, J. (2019b). Identity and trust: Issues raised when practitioners engage in researching practice. The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL, 8(2), 3-22.
Hanks, J. (2017b). Integrating Research and Pedagogy: An Exploratory Practice approach. System 68, 38-49. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.system.2017.06.012
Hanks, J. (2015a). 'Education is not just teaching': learner thoughts on Exploratory Practice. ELT Journal, 69(2), 117-128. (Editor’s Choice, April 2015) https://doi.org/10.1093/elt/ccu063
Hanks, J. (2015b). Language teachers making sense of Exploratory Practice. Language Teaching Research, 19(5), 612-633. https://doi.org/10.1177/1362168814567805
Videos and podcasts:
- Podcast: Dr Judith Hanks features on podcast discussing Exploratory Practice research | School of Education | University of Leeds
- Watch Judith Hanks (University of Leeds) interviewed by Yasmin Dar at University of Leicester, UK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEYxVVep3Qw&feature=youtu.be
- Watch Judith Hanks (University of Leeds) delivering a workshop on Exploratory Practice in Academic Writing Classes in Kyoto University, Japan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WBkmWgAPOA
- Watch Judith Hanks (University of Leeds) interviewed by Darren Elliott in Nagoya University, Japan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KdtxOoY-uw or https://vimeo.com/67543871
- Watch Judith Hanks (University of Leeds) interviewed by the British Council at the IATEFL conference in Harrogate, UK: https://iatefl.britishcouncil.org/2014/interview/interview-judith-hanks
- Chair Business, Environment, Social Sciences + Scholarship cross-Faculty Research Ethics Committee
- Formerly Academic Group Leader (Language Education)
- Formerly Head of Undergraduate Area; Deputy Director ECY, White Rose Doctoral Training Programme
Research interests
My research interests lie in Language Teacher Education and Continuing Professional Development, with particular emphasis on Co-production, Inclusivity, Exploratory Practice. I focus on the ethical dilemmas raised when teachers and students conduct pedagogic research. As practitioners begin identifying and understanding puzzling issues in language education they explore agency, identity, interculturality and disseminate key insights useful for practitioners in academia and education alike. My work theorises the notion of exploratory practice-as-research. As practitioners (teachers, learners, researchers) puzzle seriously about their practice, I work collaboratively for deep understanding(s) as a way of continuing professional development and enhancing well-being and quality of life. This raises questions about trust and agency as teachers, learners and researchers overcome traditional boundaries constraining ‘who does what’ in researching Language Education and Applied Linguistics.
I am convenor of the AILA Fully Inclusive Practitioner Research Network, which I established in 2017. Spanning 5 continents and involving researchers, practitioners and practitioner-researchers co-producing and disseminating their work, the network aims to address epistemological and pedagogical challenges for research in Applied Linguistics and Language Education in the 21st Century (see https://www.fullyinclusivepr.com/ )
My British Council ELTRA project ‘Sticky Objects' and pathways to well-being and resilience: teacher understandings of and practices in positive psychology in their classrooms brought together Exploratory Practice, positive psychology and the emotional dimensions of learning and teaching in EAP as a way of investigating teacher well-being (see https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/%E2%80%98sticky-objects%E2%80%99-pathways-well-being-resilience-teacher-understandings-practices-positive). My ESRC-IAA funded project Well-being and burnout in teaching: unpacking the causes and tackling the problems focused on embedded impact in researching issues around teacher well-being in schools in the UK (see https://leedsteacherwellbeing.leeds.ac.uk/ )
I am well-known internationally as an independent researcher dedicated to language learning/teaching, practitioner research, and teacher education. I regularly give talks, presentations and workshops at conferences both nationally and internationally (e.g. AERA, San Antonio, USA, 2017; BERA, Leeds, 2016; AILA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2017; IATEFL, Brighton, UK, 2018). My international Keynotes and Plenaries include: Estonia (Tartu, 2015), Japan (Kobe 2007; JALT, Nagoya 2013; JACET Kyoto & Sendai, 2018), Malta (2019); Portugal (Lisbon, 2010), Thailand (Bangkok, 2016), India (on-line, 2023), Indonesia (on-line, 2020) and Turkey (Bolu, 2013; Izmir, 2015; Istanbul, 2016).
<h4>Research projects</h4> <p>Some research projects I'm currently working on, or have worked on, will be listed below. Our list of all <a href="https://essl.leeds.ac.uk/dir/research-projects">research projects</a> allows you to view and search the full list of projects in the faculty.</p>Qualifications
- PhD (shortlisted for International Christopher Brumfit Prize, 2014)
- MA in Applied Linguistics & ELT
- RSA CELTA Teacher Trainer
- RSA Diploma & RSA CTEFLA
- BA (Hons) in English & American Literature
Professional memberships
- IATEFL (International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language)
- BALEAP (British Association of Lecturers in English for Academic Purposes)
- BAAL (British Association of Applied Linguists)
- AILA (Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée)
- SFHEA (Senior Fellow of Higher Education Academy)
Student education
I enjoy teaching both Undergraduate and Postgraduate students. I have been Programme Leader of: MA TESOL (China), MA TESOL & Teacher Education and BA in English, Language & Education. I led teams to design new programmes: BA Education and BA TESOL. I have led modules such as Teacher Education in TESOL; Contexts and Approaches in TESOL; Language, Learners and Society; Teaching Oral and Written Skills in TESOL; Research Approaches in Education; The Practice of English Language Teaching; as well as modules on the MA in Professional Language and Intercultural Studies. I also supervise UG Final Year Projects and MA Dissertation students with pleasure.
Doctoral supervision
I am lead supervisor for a group of international doctoral students, and I particularly welcome applications in the areas of Language Teacher Education, Fully Inclusive Practitioner Research and Exploratory Practice, with a particular focus on (i) integrating research and pedagogy in language classrooms, (ii) intercultural issues in language teacher education and continuing professional development, (iii) intercultural issues in EAP and/or TESOL, (iv) notions of agency, identity and trust in language education, practitioner research and/or language teacher education, (v) burnout, well-being, and quality of life in language education, teacher education and CPD.
My doctoral students’ work includes:
- EAP teachers and agency construction in Bangladesh (Md. Nabinur Rahman – in progress)
- Technology enhanced learning: AI in teacher education in Indonesia (Hasan Zainnuri – in progress)
- Preparing for interculturality (Lou Feier – in progress)
- Effects of CPD on Sri Lankan teachers’ classroom practices (Deepa Ellepola – in progress)
- Experiential learning and reflective practices in healthcare in the UK (Julie Jackson – successfully completed 2024)
- Leadership training and development needs of school principals in Sri Lanka (Sasheeka Karunanayake – successfully completed 2024)
- The Study Year Abroad experience: affective challenges and coping strategies of UK undergraduates in Italy (Giorgia Faraoni – successfully completed 2023)
- A phenomenological study of ‘third culture kids’ (Netta Chalermpalanupap – successfully completed 2023)
- Contextual support for sustainable professional development: a study of Chinese senior high school EFL teachers (Ronggan Zhang – successfully completed 2022)
- Interculturality in teaching and learning English in Algeria (Souad Boumechaal – successfully completed 2022)
- Leadership practices of senior teachers, assistant heads, and head teachers in Oman (Anwar Al Balushi – successfully completed 2022)
- Teacher perceptions of research for professional development in Saudi Arabia (Hamdan Alzahrani – successfully completed 2020)
- Practitioner research and its affordances for motivation and professional development in Indonesia (Mukrim Thamrin – successfully completed 2019)
- Curriculum change in language teacher education in Chile (Loreto Aliaga Salas – successfully completed 2018)
- Professional development of teachers of Dutch as a second language (Joke Drikonningen – successfully completed 2018)
- Pre-service EFL teacher-learning during the practicum in Turkey (Melike Bulut – successfully completed 2017)
- Literacy practices of bilingual young learners learning Korean and Roman alphabets (Kyung Min – successfully completed 2016)
Research groups and institutes
- Centre for Curriculum, Pedagogy and Policy
- Centre for Language Education
- ICY: Inclusion, Childhood & Youth Research Centre