Dr James Worrall
- Position: Associate Professor in International Relations and Middle East Studies
- Areas of expertise: Security Studies; International Relations
- Email: J.E.Worrall@leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 343 9207
- Location: 14.36 Social Sciences Building
- Website: Twitter | LinkedIn | ORCID
I first came to Leeds in 2003 to do my MA and decided to stay to carry out PhD research on Anglo-Omani relations. I have been teaching in the school since 2005. Before switching to International Relations I studied History and Modern Languages.
Research interests
My research interests lie in the fields of Comparative Politics, Security Studies and International Relations, with particular geographical concentration on the Gulf and the Levant. Research broadly focuses on: Western Relations with the Arab World, Gulf Politics, Society and Security, Regional International Organisations, Decolonisation, Counterinsurgency, Security Sector Reform, Regime Stability and Legitimacy in Non-democratic States and Diplomatic Theory and Practice.
I also have an strong interest in sub-state conflict (especially Rebel Governance) and am currently Co-Editor of the journal Civil Wars.
Middle East Research Group (MERG)
Dancing with Devils: How do Militaries Integrate Understandings of Rebels and Militias into Counterinsurgency Doctrines? (Funded by the Gerda Henkel Foundation)
Dr Worrall on Aljazeera's Inside Story (Video): UAE: Arming up with the Mercenaries
British Society for Middle Eastern Studies
The Royal Society for Asian Affairs
Statebuilding and Counterinsurgency in Oman: Political, Military and Diplomatic Relations at the End of Empire
Painting the General: Qasem Soleimani, Iranian Propaganda and Shi'a Militia Politics
International Institutions of the Middle East: The GCC, Arab League and Arab Maghreb Union
Hezbollah: From Islamic Resistance to Government
Professional memberships
- Fellow of the Royal Historical Society
- Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Student education
I have taught a wide range of modules in the IR and security areas including: International Politics, Foreign Policy Analysis, International Organisations & World Order and Dirty War: Insurgency, the State & Cities. At postgraduate level I teach Conflict, Complex Emergencies and Global Governance, Insurgency and the Contemporary Politics of the Middle East.