Applications open for funded Collaborative Studentship Award in SSP

Applications are now open for the ESRC WRDTP Collaborative Studentships, including one in SSP: "Shaping the Future: Bradford young people's engagement with the future through action in the present".
The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) is the UK's largest funding agency for research and postgraduate training relating to social and economic issues. The University of Leeds is part of the ESRC White Rose Doctoral Training Partnership (WRDTP) forming a collaboration between the Universities of Leeds, Sheffield, York, Bradford, Sheffield Hallam, Hull and Manchester Metropolitan.
ESRC WRDTP Social Science Studentships are available to UK and international (including EU) applicants in seven named Thematic Interdisciplinary Training Pathways and can be held full-time or part-time for the following award types:
+3.5 Studentships: funding for a 3.5-year PhD (for students with a social science Masters degree and with 60 or more credits of M-level social science research methods training)
+3.75 Studentships: funding for an integrated PGCert/PhD (for students who already have a social sciences Masters degree but have fewer than 60 credits of M-level social science research training)
1+3.5 Studentships: funding for a 1 year Masters programme, followed by the 3.5 year PhD (for students without a social science Masters degree, the Masters programme will deliver the core social sciences research methods training requirements).
WRDTP collaborative studentships support the WRDTP’s strong commitment to collaborative research with partners in the private, public or third sectors by involving these partners in a programme of doctoral research.
One ESRC White Rose DTP Collaborative Studentship is available in the School of Sociology and Social Policy:
Shaping the Future: Bradford young people's engagement with the future through action in the present
Lead Supervisor: Professor Sarah Irwin
Project Partner: Born in Bradford, Bradford Institute for Health Research.
This studentship is run in partnership with Born in Bradford (BiB) through its Age of Wonder (AoW) qualitative longitudinal study which follows young people through their teenage years.
Find out more about this project, the studentship opportunity and funding, and how to apply:
It is important that the correct application process is followed, so please do check the details. Deadline: 17:00 (UK Time), Friday 15 March 2024.
For further information about all four WRDTP ESRC Collaborative Studentships available at the University of Leeds, see the Leeds Social Sciences Institute news listing.