Dr Marine Gueguin
- Position: TBC
- Email: M.Gueguin@leeds.ac.uk
- Website: Twitter | ORCID
I teach international relations, international politics, theories of IR, security studies and terrorism at POLIS. I am a Research Fellow for the Centre for Global Security Challenges. I specialise in Critical Terrorism Studies and Critical Security Studies.
Research interests
My doctoral thesis investigated the framing of the terrorist threat in France from 2015 to 2020 as an ‘exceptional’ challenge which requires a ‘special’ public security response. The thesis explored how political actors frame the terroist threat in French political discourse from an exceptional/existential challenge to a permanent threat. The thesis employed a post-Copenhagen School approach to securitisation arguing an impossibility to desecuritise the threat of terrorism in the French case, and exposed the embeddedness of emergency powers and French CT powers in colonial legacies and colonialities, following a decolonial conceptual and theoretical framework. The doctoral project focused on the domestic CT powers.
I am now working on the notion of colonial space(s), colonialities of CT powers by the French, the interventionism logic in the Sahel, Iraq and Syria by the French troops as an extension of my doctoral research.
<h4>Research projects</h4> <p>Some research projects I'm currently working on, or have worked on, will be listed below. Our list of all <a href="https://essl.leeds.ac.uk/dir/research-projects">research projects</a> allows you to view and search the full list of projects in the faculty.</p>- 'Lurking' and 'loitering': Historic Approaches to Policing Suspicious Behaviour in Britain and their Contemporary Resonances
- 21st Century Science Evaluation: Students' understandings of science explanations and ideas-about-science
- A Different Take
- A Global Comparative Ethnography of Parliaments, Politicians and People: Representation, Relationships and Ruptures
- A Historical Criminology of Illicit Alcohol Markets and their Regulation
- A Professional Register for Probation Practitioners: Opportunities and Challenges
- A systematic review of early interventions for parents of deaf babies
- Academic freedom
- Academic network of European disability experts (ANED)
- Access and Benefit Sharing in Practice: Community, Science and Policy
- Access to Justice for Children with Mental Disabilities
- Aesthetic Surgery and Symbolic Capital in South Korea
- AKTIVE – Advancing Knowledge of Telecare for Independence and Vitality in later lifE
- Alternative Finance Opportunities for Green Energy
- An Exploratory Knowledge Platform for Policing: Exploiting Knowledge Assets, Utilising Data and Piloting Research Co-production
- An Investigation into Students' Global A-Level Mathematics Performance and their Performance in Routine and Non-Routine Questions
- An Investigation of the Performance of English pupils in the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)
- Application of Competition Law in Technology Markets
- Applied science students: Examining progression routes from KS4
- ASCENTS 121 Support for Science
- Assessing Deviance, Crime and Prevention (CRIMPREV)
- Assessing the Impact of Circles of Support and Accountability
- Autism across the life course
- AWESOME Dissertation
- BA Educational Studies (TESOL) - Oman
- Barriers to Attendance
- BBC Science Clips
- Behind Closed Books: Money Laundering in UK Insolvency Proceedings
- Board Accountability in Corporate Governance
- Books, bags and boxes: a study of the role and impact of the Leeds School Library Service
- Boosting Growth through Strengthening Investor and Creditor Protection in China: How China Can Learn from the UK experience
- Bradford mapping research: service provision for vulnerable groups in contact with the police
- Breaking barriers to engagement with parliaments
- Building Capacity in Visual Research
- Business Judgment And The Courts
- Carers, employment and services (CES)
- Challenging institutional whiteness in postcolonial contexts
- Change and Continuity in Science Teachers' Work
- Change, continuity and crisis in the legal profession: the role of gender
- Changing Landscapes for the Third Sector
- Changing the game: The dynamics of the commercialisation of football in Eastern Africa
- Child care, welfare reform and women's labour force participation
- Chinese action research project: household needs, public services and community organisations
- Chinese Victims of Racist Violence
- Co-designing community resilience to online child sexual victimisation
- Co-evolution of Facebook’s Content Policies & International Instruments
- Co-POWeR: Consortium on Practices for Wellbeing and Resilience in BAME Families and Communities
- Comenius Transfer-Expert on SignLanguage@School
- Communicating Welfare Reform
- Communication for Children with Hearing Impairment to optimise Language Development (Comm4CHILD)
- Competition Compliance Programmes: A Comparative Law & Economics Analysis
- Connected Data Analytics
- Connecting and Comprehending Through Play
- CONtract SOLutions for Effective and lasting delivery of agri-environmental-climate public goods by EU agriculture and forestry (CONSOLE)
- Convenient constructs: How chief police officers in England and Wales understand the right to exercise power
- Coordination Disorders in the Early Years
- Core Values, Student Learning and School Transformation
- Countering Islamophobia Through the Development of Best Practice in the use of Counter-Narratives in EU Member States
- County Lines Policing and Vulnerability
- CPD for ITE Providers
- Creating Applied Science in Schools
- Creativity and Effectiveness in the Use of Electronic Monitoring as an Alternative to Imprisonment in EU Member States
- Credit and Debt: Protecting The Vulnerable In Europe
- CRITiCaL - Combatting cRiminals In The CLoud
- Critical Thinking and Reflective Practice in Deaf Education
- Cross National Comparison of Child Care Policy Options and Implementations
- Data Justice in Mexico’s Multiveillant Society: How big data is reshaping the struggle for human rights and political freedoms
- Deaf Children's Early Literacy at Home
- Deafness and Reading for Meaning - 'DReaM'
- Deepening Democracy in Extremely Politically Fragile Countries: Networking for Historical, Cultural and Arts Research on Parliaments and People
- Defining Freedom of the Press : A Cross national examination of press ethics and regulation in ten European countries
- Deliberating About Human Rights
- Delta trainers' cognitions and practices
- Derivative Actions in Corporate Law
- Determinants, Dynamics and Policy Implications of Deep Poverty
- Developing a clearer understanding of the Carer’s Allowance Claimant Group
- Developing Curriculum Pathways in Mathematics - phase one
- Developing Curriculum Pathways in Mathematics - phase two
- Developing Practice in Teaching English to Young Learners - Slovenia
- Dialogic Teaching in Science Classrooms
- Digital Learning – Resistance and Creativity
- Dirty Assets: Experiences, reflections, and lessons learnt from a decade of legislation on criminal money laundering and terrorism financing
- Disability Activism in Europe
- Disability Equality in English Primary Schools (DEEPS)
- Disability Transitions: Combatting Young Disabled People’s Worklessness
- Disabled women’s experiences of reporting sexual violence to the police
- Disproportionality: Exploring the Nature of Ethnic Disparities in Sentencing through Causal Inference
- DMBC – Service review for Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council assistive technology services
- Docketing Pilot
- Doing embryo ethics
- Domestic Abuse Service Providers and their Stories
- Drink-Driving and Generational Change: Building an Explanation of the Drink-Drive Drop
- EAL additional experience pilot
- Early education for young deaf children and their caregivers in Ghana
- Economic and Social Constitutionalism
- Economic and Social Constitutionalism after the Treaty of Lisbon "an Interdisciplinary Perspective"
- Economic and Social Integration in the EU and Beyond – Interdisciplinary Perspectives (Jean Monnet ad personam chair)
- Efficacy trial of Concept Cat
- Efficacy trial of the 5Rs approach to GCSE Maths resits
- Efficacy trial of the Communication Friendly Settings Programme
- Emerging technology and Big Data analytics: Realising the potential of Automatic Number Plate Recognition
- EMPHASIS - EconoMical, PsycHologicAl and Societal Impact of RanSomware [Ransomware and Cybercrimes of Extortion]
- Enactment and Impact of Science Education Reform (EISER)
- Encounters between welfare professionals and citizens
- English Language Learning Areas in Pre-School Classrooms: an investigation of their effectiveness in supporting EFL development
- Enhance driver behaviour and Public Acceptance of Connected and Autonomous vehicLes (PASCAL)
- Enhancing MDB Capacity through Local Currency Lending
- Equality and non-discrimination: EU and UN law and policy
- Equality Statistics in Practice at a Local Level
- ESRC Research Group for the Study of Care, Values and the Future of Welfare
- ESRC Vulnerability and Policing Futures Research Centre
- ETHER Ethics and Aesthetics of Encountering the Other: New Frameworks for Engaging with Difference
- Ethnic differences in education and diverging prospects for urban youth in an enlarged Europe
- Ethnic minority business: policy and practice review
- EUPILLAR (European Union Private International Law: Legal Application in Reality)
- European and International Equality Law
- European Disability Expertise (EDE)
- European research agendas for disability equality
- Evaluating EU progress in implementing the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the EU Disability Strategy
- Evaluating Innovation Policy: Department for the Economy (NI) (UKRI Policy Fellowship)
- Evaluating the Impact of Digital Health Communities
- Evaluating the Impact of the Leeds Retrofit Accelerator Hub
- Evaluating the Operation of Malta's Gender Identity, Gender Expression and Sex Characteristics Act 2015: To What Extent Has it Enhanced the Bodily Integrity of Intersex Infants?
- Evaluating the Social Value of Innovative Finance: A Case Study of Community Municipal Bonds
- Evaluation of Fit as a Fiddle
- Evaluation of Let’s Talk Bristol: Bristol Early Language (BEL) Recovery Programme
- Evaluation of Supporting Carers in General Practice
- Evaluation of Take-up of Science GCSEs
- Evaluation of the Caring with Confidence Programme
- Evaluation of the National Carers’ Strategy Demonstrator Sites Programme
- Evaluation of the Primary Science Enhancement Programme
- Evaluation of the Salters-Nuffield Advanced Biology Project (SNAB): implementation in the classroom
- Evaluation of the ‘Raising Aspirations in Physics’ project
- Everyday Challenges to the Rule of Law: The Case of Civil/Criminal Procedural Hybrids
- Examination of Transactional Avoidance in the Context of European Insolvencies
- Exploring Agent Computing for Understanding Police Demand
- Exploring men’s experiences of care in low-income localities
- Exploring Student Experience of On Campus, Online and Hybrid Delivery
- Exploring the impact and potential benefits of telecare for carers in Scotland
- Exploring the impacts of Body Worn Video in Incidents of Domestic Abuse
- Exploring the Influence of Courtroom Questioning and Pre-Trial Preparation on Eyewitness Accuracy
- Exploring ‘New’ Normative Hybridity in European Industrial Relations
- Fair Shares and Families: Children’s perceptions of material resource distributions and decision-making within families
- Feeding the nation: seasonal migrant workers and food security during COVID-19 pandemic
- Finance and Procurement for Net-Zero
- Financial Innovation Today: Towards Economic Resilience (FITTER)
- Financing for Society: Crowdfunding Public Infrastructure (Pilot Fund)
- FLOWS: The impact of local welfare systems on female labour force participation and social cohesion
- Following Young Fathers: The lived experience of teenage parenting over time
- Forensic Identification Frontiers
- Formal Science Education and Life-Long Learning
- Fostering effective parent-practitioner partnerships in Character Education
- Fostering safer parks for women and girls in West Yorkshire and beyond through multi-agency collaboration, knowledge exchange and the co-design of research-informed guidance
- Friendship and International Community: Cross-Cultural Concepts
- Fundamental Rights of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities and Persons with Mental Health Problems
- Funding the UK criminal justice system since 1850: a scoping and pilot study
- FUSION: Financialisation and Income Inequality
- GCSE 21st Century Science: comparisons of participation and attainment in post-compulsory science
- Gender and Employment in Local Labour Markets (GELLM)
- Gender diversity, recognition and citizenship
- Goals and Purposes of EU Competition Law: What Does the Data Say?
- Governance and Legitimacy in the EU
- Governing Through Anti-Social Behaviour
- Graphic calculator use in Leeds LEA school: fragments of practice
- GreenAWARE: Greenspace Access, Wellbeing, and Resident Equality
- Growing post-16 maths participation: promoting the benefits of Core Maths
- Hard Knock Life: Negotiating concussion and dementia in sport
- HENNA (Harehills ESOL Needs Neighbourhood Audit) project
- Higher Education provision and support for disabled students
- Hitting them where it hurts: The history of development of Civil Recovery powers under the Proceeds of Crime Act
- Home background and the L2 motivational self-system in a developing country context
- IcARUS: Innovative Approaches to Urban Security
- ICT based solutions for caregivers
- Identifying and Modelling Victim, Business, Regulatory and Malware Behaviours in a Changing Cyberthreat Landscape
- Identity Online
- IELTS Listening
- Improving educational and social outcomes for deaf children of Roma families in the UK
- Improving the Police and Policy Response to Modern Slavery
- In-silico trials of targeted screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm using linked healthcare data
- INBOTS: Inclusive Robotics for a Better Society
- INCLUDE – Innovative Co-Creation for GBV Research to Uplift Diverse Experiences
- Including a new generation? Using qualitative longitudinal methods to understand disabled people's lives in the 21st century
- Inclusive Public Space: Law, Universality and Difference in the Accessibility of Streets
- Indonesian Islamic School Headmasters Programme in Educational Leadership and Management
- Industrial action and the peace obligation on the internal market in Europe
- Innovation and the application of knowledge for more effective policing
- Innovative finance instruments and local public procurement for net zero
- Inspiring teachers
- Institute of Physics: Supporting Physics Teaching 11-14
- Intellectual Property and Biotechnology
- INTERACT: Intercultural Active Citizenship
- Interests and Recruitment in Science (IRIS)
- International and Comparative Criminal Justice
- International Law as a Profession: (De)Constructing the Identity of International Lawyers
- Internationalisation of Secured Credit Law: the UNCITRAL experience
- Internationalising the Curriculum and Student Experiences
- Investigating the applicability of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) for self-assessment in tertiary writing instruction in China: accessibility, effectiveness, feasibility and usefulness
- Investigating Unexpected Death: Values and Attitudes in Coronial Autopsies
- Investigating Unexpected Death: Values and Attitudes in Coronial Autopsies
- Involving “Former Extremists” as Practitioners in Countering/Preventing Violent Extremism
- Iraqi English Language Development
- Is informed consent to LGBTQ+ ‘conversion therapy’ compatible with UK and International Human Rights Law?
- Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in Digital Governance
- Knowing: knowledge, institutions and gender
- L-earning: rethinking young women's working lives
- Labwork in Science Education
- Language and Learning in Science
- Lawyering for International Criminal Justice
- Lawyers in Society - 30 years on
- Learner Autonomy: English Language Teachers' Beliefs and Practices
- Learning and the Transition into Work
- Learning Disability Health Service Quality-Checkers and User-Led Quality Measures
- Learning from practice: improving the professional development of science teachers
- Learning Responsibility? Exploring Doctors' Transitions to New Levels of Medical Performance
- Legal Advice to Legislatures – Supporting a Professionalising Legislature
- Legal Cultures and New Regional Policies towards Forced Migrants
- Legal Entitlements and Problem-Solving (LEaP)
- Linking School Mathematics to Out-of-School Mathematical Activities
- Living Gender In Diverse Times
- Long-term developments in jihadi militant ideology and its transnational impact
- MA TESOL - Oman
- Making it to the Registers: Documenting Migrant Carers’ Experiences of Registration and Fitness to Practice
- Making, Unmaking, Remaking? Professional Identity and Practice in Probation in the Aftermath of the Transforming Rehabilitation Reforms
- Management and Intervention in Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder: the role of teachers and parents
- Markets in Policing - ESRC Seminar Series
- Medical education assessment
- Medical Practitioners, Adolescents and Informed Consent
- Migration and networks of care in Europe
- Mobigam: Language on the move in India
- Mobile Solutions to the Mexican Kidnapping Epidemic: Beyond Elite Counter-Measures Towards Citizen-Led Innovation
- Models of the Educator in Higher Education: A Bibliographic and Conceptual Map
- MOdify Drivers’ behaviour to Adapt for Lower EmissionS (MODALES)
- Monitoring the Educational Performance of Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder
- Mother Tongue Language Policy in a Globalising World: The Case of Eritrea
- Moving from Occasional to Regular Use of ICT in Mathematics Classes
- MS and Domestic Violence and Abuse Research Initiative
- Narnian Virtues: How Parents, Teachers and their 11 to 13 year-olds Learn to Cultivate Good Character through Engagement with the Novels by C.S. Lewis
- National Evaluation of the Applied Learning Specialism Programme
- National Survey on Innovation in Science Enquiry
- Needs of carers in North Lincolnshire: A Scoping Exercise
- Net-Zero Neighbourhoods
- New Urbanisms, New Citizens
- NIHR Improving employment opportunities for carers
- Non-formal education for youth-led change
- Northern Exposure: Race, Nation and Disaffection in "Ordinary" Towns and Cities after Brexit
- Northern Ireland Election Study 2015-16
- Northern Ireland Election Study 2017-18
- Northern Ireland Election Study 2019
- Online Sexual Exploitation in Present and Future: Effective Criminal Justice Responses: Regulation of Cybercrime and Other Aspects Crimes Online
- Opportunity Areas: Impact Evaluation
- Ordinary Citizenship
- Parental empowerment in Sure Start programmes
- Parenting And Family Life
- Partnerships for Cultural Change: Reverse Mentoring in higher education and the legal profession
- Pathways in Mathematics 14-19, Phase 2
- Pathways to numeracy in rural India: policies, patterns and perceptions (P2N)
- Perceptions of language and identity amongst international MA TESOL students
- Petitioning and People Power in Twentieth-Century Britain
- Physics Enhancement Programme (PEP) Evaluation
- Pilot study of the Communication Friendly Home-Based Settings Programme
- Police National Legal Database
- Policing and community resilience in the context of climate change
- Policing and Crime Control in the Victorian City
- Policing Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies
- Policing Children and Families: A Study of the Police Response to Child-to-Parent Violence
- Policing, vulnerabilities and domestic abuse: victims, perpetrators, interventions
- Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
- Practical Impact of EU Equality Directives in Italian and UK Employment Law
- Pre-charge Bail
- Prefabs sprouting: Modern Methods of Construction and the English housing crisis
- Pregnant Men: An International Exploration of Trans Male Practices of Reproduction
- Preventing and Disrupting County Lines 'Cuckooing’ Victimisation
- Professionals and Professionalism in International Criminal Justice
- PROSEU - Prosumers for the Energy Union
- Provision of replacement/alternative care for Jobcentre Plus customers who are carers
- Public Performances, Private Lives: Identity at work, rest and play
- Pupil Enrichment Materials: Interactive Teaching
- Q methods study of vulnerability
- Qualitative research to understand the support needs of disabled adult rape victims
- Racist Hostility and Racist Violence in Leeds
- Rapid Evidence Assessments for the ODI
- Re-counting crime: New methods to improve the accuracy of estimates of crime
- Re-Evaluating the Pandemic Preparedness And REsponse agenda (REPPARE)
- REACH Primary
- REAding for CompreHension (REACH)
- Real Life Methods
- Realising Resilience: An Evidence Based Approach to Embedding Resilience in the Curriculum
- Realizing the political rights of persons with disabilities (PODI)
- Reducing the unanticipated crime harms of Covid-19 policies
- Reform of the Human Rights Act 1998
- Reforming the European Insolvency Regulation
- Regional factsheets on carers
- Regional Quality Standards for Inclusion
- Reimagine essay-based assessment in the wake of ChatGPT: insights from corpus-based analyses of ChatGPT
- Reimagining the Wetlands in Tigre (Argentina): Harnessing the Power of the Arts for Socio-ecological Transformation
- Reinforcers or reformers: an exploration of how legal educators perceive their role and its relationship with the legal profession following the introduction of the SQE
- Religious Reading in a Secular Society: Learning for Life in a Liberal Democracy?
- Rescuing Corporate Reorganisation: a transatlantic evaluation
- Research on professors, professorial academic leadership and preparation for professorship
- Research to support School Library Services (SLS)
- Research Training in Humanities Women’s and Gender Studies
- Researching Accountability in the Indian System of Education (RAISE)
- RESPONSE - Realist evaluation to improve health systems responsiveness to neglected health needs of vulnerable groups in Ghana and Vietnam
- Responsible Innovation of Medical Technologies
- RETORNO: Interventions on Social Determinants of Health
- REVAMP: Effectiveness of a Community Health Care Workers Programme for Maternal and Child Health in Nigeria
- Review of Legislation and Policy Guidance relating to Adult Social Care in Northern Ireland
- Review of Local Authorities’ Use of Carers Grant
- Risk, Individualization and the Decline of Drinking among Young People
- Roma in Northern England: Creating interventions towards a better quality of life
- Safer Parks for Women and Girls
- Science teachers’ experiences of educational reform in Sweden: Enacting national tests and grading at Y6
- Secondary National Strategy: Effective practice in Interactive Teaching
- Security for sale in modern Britain: security provision, ensembles and cultures, 1785 - 1995
- Security Rights and the European Insolvency Regulation
- SENSE – Using technology to support older adults with dual sensory impairment
- Sex binaries, performance enhancement and elite sport
- Sex Entertainment Venues: Regulating Working Conditions
- Shale Gas Development : A benchmark review of the regulatory Framework
- Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) Project
- Side-Hustles: Young People and Employment- Adjacent Entrepreneurship
- Social exclusion in adolescence
- Social Impacts of Local Energy Developments (SLED): A case study of Tidal Lagoon Swansea Bay
- Socio-legal Trajectories in Germany and the UK: Cultures, Actors and Institutions
- Spaces of Indigenous Justice
- Special Adviser to the Independent Reviewer of the Terrorism Legislation
- Special Measures in Rape Trials
- Strengthening Health System Delivery and Quality: Mechanisms and Effects of Performance Based Financing in the Sub-Saharan context
- Strengthening in-house lawyer ethics
- Student perceptions of teaching and learning within undergraduate education programmes
- Students' Experience of Undergraduate Mathematics
- Study on Substantive Insolvency Law
- Subnational Context and Radical Right support in Europe (SCoRE)
- Sugar Rush: Science, Obesity and the Social Life of Sugar
- Sun, Sea, Sand and Silicone: Mapping Cosmetic Surgery Tourism
- Supporting Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) to Read for Meaning
- Sustainable development for pastoralist women in India: dignity, heritage and adaptations in times of rapid change (HERDING)
- Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture
- Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies: European Policy Analysis – ‘Sustainable Agriculture’
- Tackling Selection Bias in Sentencing Data Analysis
- TAKEDOWN - Understand the Dimensions of Organised Crime and Terrorist Networks for Developing Effective and Efficient Security Solutions for First-line-practitioners and Professionals
- Talking about sex and relationships
- Taxation and Moral Regulation
- Teacher Empowerment to Educate Students to Become Active European Citizens (TEESAEC)
- Teacher learning on the Delta
- Teachers and researchers as knowledge builders for better school science
- Teaching about the Nature of Scientific Knowledge and Investigation on A/AS Level Science Courses
- Teaching and Learning Science in the Primary Classroom
- Teaching English Radio
- Telecare: a crucial opportunity to help save our health and social care system
- Terrorism and the Law
- The challenge of transition from Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 3
- The Choreography of Consent: experiments in dance/law research
- The early take-up of Core Mathematics: successes and challenges
- The elephant in the room: assessing money laundering risks in the UK construction industry
- The Foundational Number Sense (FoNS) Research Project
- The Future of Forensic Bioinformation
- The future prospects of urban parks: The life, times and social order of Victorian public parks as places of social mixing
- The Governance of Chinese Listed Companies
- The impact of a pre-registration transition programme (Transition to Leeds) on international PGT students’ sense of belonging
- The Impact of Anti-Social Behaviour Interventions on Young People
- The Impact of Covid-19 on Key Learning and Education (ICKLE)
- The impact of teacher education on pre-service English language teachers
- The impact on students of British Council EFL classes
- The Implementation of Practical Assessment in the GCSE
- The Implementation of the National Curriculum
- The Leeds Parks Fund: Developing a model for charitable giving to parks
- The linguistic challenges of the transition from primary to secondary school
- The Orientation and Integration of Local and National Alcohol Policy
- The performance of disability histories
- The Petitions Committee: Developing a New Style of Public Engagement
- The potential of ICT in supporting the provision of domiciliary care
- The protection role of the Committee on Petitions in the context of the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
- The racism reduction agenda
- The recruitment, induction and retention of Special Educational Needs Coordinators
- The Regulatory Dance
- The relational politics of equalities policy making
- The Relevance of Science Education Project (ROSE)
- The Responsibility to Protect The Political Sustainability of Liberal Norms in an Age of Shifting Power balances
- The right to independent living of persons with disabilities: Statistical analysis for outcome indicators
- The Role of Sign Language for Deaf Children with Cochlear Implants
- The rule of guidance? On the use and legitimacy of soft law in domestic administrative law
- The Semantics of Tolerance and (Anti-) Racism in Europe: institutions and civil society in a comparative perspective
- The spaces of mental capacity law: moving beyond the binaries
- The state of English as Medium of Instruction (EMI) in Higher Education institutions in Indonesia
- The target language revisited
- The Third Sector in Criminal Justice
- The Ultimate Objective of the Corporation
- The Unbundled University: Researching Emerging Models in an Unequal Landscape
- The working lives of Special Educational Needs Coordinators
- The WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism as a New Technique for Settling Disputes in International Law
- Tianjin Higher Education Management Summer School
- Timescapes: an ESRC qualitative longitudinal study
- TNOC Transnational Organised Crime in the 21st Century
- To what extent does IELTS encourage communicative language teaching in Chinese IELTS classes?
- Towards a minimum policing standard
- Towards an evidence-based understanding of student careers ambitions and needs: the case of criminology
- Towards an understanding of the limits of collective violence during the 2011 English riots
- Towards Evidence-Based Practice In Science Education
- Tracking Children in their Best Interests: electronic monitoring in three European juvenile justice systems (TCBI)
- Tracking people: controversies and challenges
- TRACTION: Transnational Labour Constitutionalism: Strategic Litigation and the Constitutional Protection of Work
- Training park staff and volunteers to increase women’s safety in the UK’s parks and green spaces
- Transition, Progression and Attainment from non-traditional educational pathways
- Transitions through university: Exploring expectations and motivations of undergraduate students
- Translation and translanguaging: Investigating linguistic and cultural transformations in superdiverse wards in four UK cities
- Translations and transformations in patienthood: cancer in the post-genomics era
- Truly Engaging Citizens with the Parliamentary Process? An Evaluation of the Public Reading Stage in the House of Commons
- Turing Fellow - Dr Birks
- Turing Fellow - Professor Wall
- U-LEAD - University of Leeds East Asia Disability Rights Forum
- UK and Latin American perspectives on Disability
- Undergraduate Learning in Science Project
- Understanding normative change to address the climate emergency
- Understanding Organised Crime and Terrorist Networks TAKEDOWN
- Understanding Solidarity Amid Refugee Crises
- Understanding the geospatial and contextual patterns of rural domestic abuse: an exploratory study
- Understanding the Moderate Drinking Students of Generation Sensible
- Unveiling the factors for the predictive validity of IELTS for postgraduate studies: assessment, teaching and learning in the TLU domain
- Updating AntConc for spoken and educational language data
- Urban Aboriginal Youth and Self-Employment
- Using digital storytelling to develop reflective learning by the use of next generation technologies and practices
- Utilising open data to enhance park safety for women and girls in Bradford
- Violence Against Disabled Women
- Virtual School and College Education for Teenagers and Young Adults (VISCED)
- Vital Circulations: A framework for understanding social dynamics in and beyond a pandemic
- Voices of the rainforest: Co-creating a traditional ecological knowledge-based climate change curriculum framework with indigenous communities in Malaysia
- Weight Stigma and Anti-Discrimination Law: Examining Attitudes Towards Weight as a Protected Class
- Well-being and burnout in teaching: unpacking the causes and tackling the problems
- White Rose Consortium on The Responsibility to Protect and Human Interconnectedness
- White Spaces: racialising white femininities and masculinities
- Workforce Development for Assisted Living Technology
- Yorkshire Academic Sex Work Consortium
- Young People & Active Journeys in Leeds
- Young people's understanding of, and attitudes to, 'the new genetics'
- Young People, Criticality and Figurative Language
- Youth Activism in Educational Spaces
- Zygmunt Bauman and the West: Exile, Culture, Dialogue
- ‘Sticky Objects’ and pathways to wellbeing: teacher understandings of and practices in positive psychology in their classrooms
- PhD in Security Studies, University of Leeds 2023
- MA, University of Leeds 2023
- LLM, University of Southampton 2016
- Licence de Droit, Universite de Rennes 1
Research groups and institutes
- Centre for Global Security Challenges