Dr Eike Rinke wins award at Berlin conference
The prize was awarded for the best submission to the 2023 ECREA Political Communication Section Conference at the Weizenbaum Institute in Berlin.
Dr Jonathan Dean publishes new research on influencer culture and left politics
Dr Dean's research considers the intersection of influencer culture and contemporary left politics.
Professor Jason Ralph delivers lectures on new book in Hamburg and Delhi
Professor Ralph spoke to staff and students in Delhi and Hamburg about his new book, published in 2023 by Cambridge University Press. It is his fourth book to date.
Research by Professor Kevin Theakston cited in BBC News
The BBC have cited the research in an article about MPs who lose their seats at general election.
POLIS at COP28: Dr Viktoria Spaiser contributes to Global Tipping Points Report
The Global Tipping Points Report was launched on 6th December 2023 at COP28 in Dubai.