
Results 271 to 275 of 469 in School of Politics and International Studies

Dr Cristina Stefan, Co-Director of the European Centre for the Responsibility to Protect and Lecturer in International Relations, has organised an international conference this December.

The Alice Bacon lectures.

Harriet Harman MP will join us on 25 January to give the first in a regular series of Alice Bacon lectures, named in honour of the 1945 political pioneer who became Yorkshire's first female MP.

Brotherton library electrolier at the University of Leeds.

A new study has defined for the first time the skills that graduates at University of Leeds develop by studying arts, humanities and social science (AHSS) degrees.

Mr speaker john bercow.

On Friday 3 November we were delighted to invite Rt Hon John Bercow MP to campus.

Head of School Professor Jason Ralph and Dr Jess Gifkins (University of Manchester) have won the EISA Best Article in European Journal of International Relations 2017.