Data CDT doctoral training scholarships

Applications are open for Data CDT Doctoral Training Scholarships 2017 entry with a deadline of 6 June.
The Centre for Doctoral Training encourages the bringing together of social science with methods from computing, mathematics and the natural sciences.
This is an exciting opportunity to undertake a 4-year funded integrated PhD and MSc in Data Analytics and Society. The programme will include an integrated MSc in Data Analytics over the first two years which will provide you with the foundation skills to complete your research project.
Of the four projects, two projects will be based here at the University:
Mathematical and Computational Modelling of World Data
Supervised by Dr Viktoria Spaiser and Dr Richard Mann (School of Mathematics)
Examining judicial sentencing using court transcripts and natural language processing techniques
Supervised by Jose Pina-Sánchez (School of Law) and Dr Eric Atwell (School of Computing)
The deadline for applications is June 6 2017.
For more information on the available projects, including entry criteria and the online application form click here.